This program parses, edits, and saves a single SMF mod file.
The program can also compile a SMF mod package based on loaded mod file.
The program does NOT teach/guide user in writing a SMF mod.
(It does save users from mistyping file name. ^_^)
Requires Java 5.0. (Download)
Download and uncompress.
A single file, SMFModCreator.jar or SMFModCreator.exe, includes the whole program and all resources.
No installation necessary. Execute jar version with Java VM.
Windows exe version will automatically find and run installed Java. (Thanks JSmooth!)
For running jar version on Windows, open the program with javaw.exe from Java VM,
usually located in C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_04\bin
Compatibility Notes (XML)
All search text and add/replace text are saved as complete lines.
i.e. Line breaks are always inserted at beginning and end of text,
except for search text starting with "<?php" or ending with "?>
id element will be parsed and saved as 'Author:ModId' in CamlCase.
Does not support multiple search in an operation.
The error attribute 'fatal' will be discarded since it is the default in schema.
Compatibility Notes (BoardMod)
All error and whitespace attributes will be discarded.
Regular expressions will not be saved.
Search position 'end' (append) will save as add before "?>".
Usage Notes
Compile package works only if the mod file is all that's needed.
Otherwise you can generate package-info.xml then manually edit it to add more operations.
Mod package uses the same format (BoardMod/XML) as working file.
Mod package will be compiled with same path and name as mod file, but with .tar.gz extension.
Deleted operations can potentially be recovered by restoring last save or backup. Current progress will be lost.
Restoring backup will exchange last save with backup before loading.
The program saves mod file with Unix line break.
Error messages are dumped to error.log instead of to console.
Use -nolog argument to surpress this behaviour.
Settings are stored with Java Preference and dependent on platform and configuration.
Major changes from Beta 2
05-11-14 1.0
+ Added the default option of using local DTD for XML mods.
+ Generate package-info.xml without compiling package.
+ Added support for $boarddir
+ Many interface enhancements, some minor bug fix
For details see Help > History