SMF 2.0.x (Módulos Manual) > SMF 2.x Módulos Manual

Subquadro Secção

(1/3) > >>


Pesquisar por

--- Código: ---/* Each child in each board's children has:
id, name, description, new (is it new?), topics (#), posts (#), href, link, and last_post. */
foreach ($board['children'] as $child)
if (!$child['is_redirect'])
$child['link'] = '<a href="' . $child['href'] . '" title="' . ($child['new'] ? $txt['new_posts'] : $txt['old_posts']) . ' (' . $txt['board_topics'] . ': ' . $child['topics'] . ', ' . $txt['posts'] . ': ' . $child['posts'] . ')">' . $child['name'] . '</a>';
$child['link'] = '<a href="' . $child['href'] . '" title="' . $child['posts'] . ' ' . $txt['redirects'] . '">' . $child['name'] . '</a>';

// Has it posts awaiting approval?
if ($child['can_approve_posts'] && ($child['unapproved_posts'] | $child['unapproved_topics']))
$child['link'] .= ' <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=postmod;sa=' . ($child['unapproved_topics'] ? 'topics' : 'posts') . ';brd=' . $child['id'] . ';sesc=' . $context['session_id'] . '" title="' . sprintf($txt['unapproved_posts'], $child['unapproved_topics'], $child['unapproved_posts']) . '" class="moderation_link">(!)</a>';

$children[] = $child['new'] ? '<strong>' . $child['link'] . '</strong>' : $child['link'];
echo '
<td class="windowbg3 smalltext largepadding"><strong>', $txt['parent_boards'], '</strong>: ', implode(', ', $children), '</td>
--- Fim de Código ---

Adicionar Trocar por

--- Código: ---/* Each child in each board's children has:
id, name, description, new (is it new?), topics (#), posts (#), href, link, and last_post. */
foreach ($board['children'] as $child)
if (!$child['is_redirect'])
$child['link'] = '<a href="' . $child['href'] . '" title="' . ($child['new'] ? $txt['new_posts'] : $txt['old_posts']) . ' (' . $txt['board_topics'] . ': ' . $child['topics'] . ', ' . $txt['posts'] . ': ' . $child['posts'] . ')">' . $child['name'] . '</a>';
$child['link'] = '<a href="' . $child['href'] . '" title="' . $child['posts'] . ' ' . $txt['redirects'] . '">' . $child['name'] . '</a>';

// Has it posts awaiting approval?
if ($child['can_approve_posts'] && ($child['unapproved_posts'] | $child['unapproved_topics']))
$child['link'] .= ' <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=postmod;sa=' . ($child['unapproved_topics'] ? 'topics' : 'posts') . ';brd=' . $child['id'] . ';sesc=' . $context['session_id'] . '" title="' . sprintf($txt['unapproved_posts'], $child['unapproved_topics'], $child['unapproved_posts']) . '" class="moderation_link">(!)</a>';

@$children[] = $child['new'] ? '<img style="margin-right:5px;" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/on.gif" width="12" height="12" alt="' . $txt[333] . '"/><strong>' . $child['link'] . '</strong>' : '<img style="margin-right:5px;" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/off.gif" width="12" height="12" alt="' . $txt[334] . '"/>' . $child['link'];
echo '
<td class="windowbg3 smalltext largepadding">
<table style="float:right; padding-left:10px;margin-top: 15px;" width="97%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
<td style="width:50%" valign="top">
<strong>', $txt['parent_boards'], '</strong>:<br/>';
for($sayac2 = 0 ; $sayac2 < ceil($sayac/2);$sayac2++)
echo $children[$sayac2], '<br/>';
echo '
<td style="width:60%" valign="top">
for(; $sayac2 < $sayac ; $sayac2++)
echo $children[$sayac2], '<br/>';
echo '
--- Fim de Código ---


Ótimo Candido nota dez mais como mudar a cor de fundo add uma img para mais esclarecimento. wink

deixa me ver depois digo lhe

no aguardo desta resposta valeu mesmo e obrigado Candido

OLA! Candido sei que vc tem outras coisas a fazer mais, queria saber se tens uma dica sob re nosso assunto aqui.


[0] Índice de mensagens

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